Air Force JROTC

JROTC is a four-year citizenship training program (students may join at any time) designed to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill personal responsibility, character, and self-discipline. The program achieves this through classroom education in air and space fundamentals and hands on learning opportunities in a number of fun and challenging extra-curricular activities.
The class meets daily, just like a social studies, math or science course. Each AFJROTC class consists of three components; Aerospace Science, Leadership Education, and Wellness (physical fitness). Citizenship and character education, the heart of the curriculum program, is primarily embedded in the leadership education series of courses, while sense of service and education in science and technology related aerospace science is primarily found in the aerospace science series of courses.
The mission of Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AF JROTC) is to “Develop citizens of character, dedicated to serving their nation and community” with the following stated goals:
To instill:
The value of citizenship
Service to the United States
Personal responsibility
A sense of accomplishment
This mission and accompanying goals combine with the Air Force’s Core Values of “Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellence in All We Do” to clearly support Cathedral Prep's mission to create young men and women of "Vision in Spirit, Mind, and Body.”
We aim to educate and train our high school cadets in citizenship; to promote community service; to instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline; and to provide first-class instruction in Global and Cultural Studies, Principles of Flight, Aviation History, National Defense Policies and Leadership, Management and Character Education.
Specific objectives of the AF JROTC program are:
21st Century Themes of Global Awareness, Civic Literacy, Health Literacy, Financial Literacy
Life skills of Leadership, Social Interaction, Personal Accountability, Personal Initiative & Flexibility
21st Century Skills of Problem Solving, Communication and Creativity
Milestones in Aviation History
In concert with the school’s stated college preparatory role, we have tailored the 4-year AF JROTC curriculum to meet academic requirements and student interests.
The academic flow is as follows:
We require all cadets to learn and exhibit military customs, courtesies, and behavior; to wear the uniform weekly, and to support JROTC community service events.
Freshmen: Global Studies I takes the place of World History 1 and you also learn Air Force Traditions, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship.
Sophomores: Global Studies II takes the place of World History 2 and you also learn Rocketry, NASA History and Communication Skills.
Juniors: JROTC is an elective and you will learn about Space Exploration and, most importantly, Life Skills to include Career Research, College Explorations, Money Management, and Job Research Skills.
Seniors: JROTC is an elective; you will learn about Leadership, Management, Defense Policies of the U.S. and several other lessons that will aid you for the future.
During their junior and senior years, cadets can earn up to 6 hours of college credit through on-line classes with the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, as specified below.
Tuition Cost: $240 per three-credit course (includes registration fees).
PSC 1510 - Leadership for the Next Generation: Citizenship and Community Service
PSC xxxx – History Course TBD
Also, upon completion of the program, you may be eligible for college scholarships. The J-100 scholarship pays for students to attend college through the AFROTC program to commission as a 2Lt upon graduation from college, so our JROTC selectees will become AFROTC cadets and follow AFROTC scholarship procedures.
The Air Force funds scholarships for cadets to attend private pilot training at public/private universities during the summer. The scholarship will pay for round-trip airfare, room and board, collegiate academics, and flight hours required to potentially earn a Private Pilot’s Certificate (PPC) through an in-residence collegiate program that is approximately eight (8) weeks in length.
Check out our Spring 2023 edition of Legacy to read about Caleb Dacus '24 becoming the first Cathedral Prep cadet to attend the Air Force JROTC Flight Academy!
The Air Force annually funds scholarships for AFJROTC cadets to attend Cyber college course at select public/private universities during the summer. The scholarship funds transportation, room and board, and one college course which will award approximately three college credit hours upon successful completion. Additionally, the scholarship “may” provide cadets an opportunity to test for Cyber or IT industry certifications. The course duration, depending on the university, may vary but could be 8 weeks long.
However, the experience does not stop there. Prep's JROTC also offers a wide variety of clubs and extra-curricular activities, which includes the Military Drill Team, Color Guard (which presents the U.S. flag at a variety of events to include MLB, NBA, and NFL games, and Erie Otters, Bay Hawks, and Sea Wolves games), Awareness Presentation Team, Volleyball Team, Cyber Patriot Computer Competition, Drone Club, Rocket Club, Academic Testing Team, and physical training.
Click the photo below to view our Summer 2024 edition of Legacy!

Col. Eric Moses
(814) 453-7737, Ext. 2958

MSgt. Richard Sambuchino
(814) 453-7737, Ext. 2959